Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Megatrends and mythologems of artificial intelligence topics in Western scientific discourse

Introduction. For fifty years, the topic of artificial intelligence has remained leading within a wide range of scientific fields. Theoretical analysis. Preliminary analysis of the Scopus database results from a rating of publication activity, in which social sciences occupy insider positions along with computer sciences and some other areas. From the 60s of the past century to the present, there has been an exponential growth of scientific publications containing the label “artificial intelligence” in titles, abstracts and keywords.


В  статье  рассматриваются  проблемы  становления  и  развития 
науки как социального института в пространстве технократиче-
ской  цивилизации.  Выявляется  альтернатива  технологического 
и технократического подходов к научному знанию. Демонстри-
руется сущностное единство естественных и гуманитарных наук 
на основе общности их технократической организации. Ставится 
проблема влияния глобальной экономики и процесса интерна-
ционализации  научных  институтов  на  современные  реформы 

Technology: Determination of Essence and Functions

The article deals with the essence, form and structure of technology and the role of the same in the society from a perspective of humanitarian and philosophical discourse. The author states that technology, while having activity-related nature, is one of the modern specialized forms of activity development. Modern technologies related to the socio-cultural context of the epoch determine social importance of technique.

Planning of the Cadets’ Patriotic Military Training Technology in a System of Higher Military Education

There have been studied educational activity planning and its technology. There has been made an attempt to define the nature and features of cadets’ patriotic military training technology planning in the system of higher military education. There have been suggested the stages of patriotic military training pedagogical technology planning.