Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The methodology of harmonic convergence for the worldview of universalism

Introduction. The article is devoted to methodological issues of the formation of the worldview of universalism, excluding the reduction of the one, the whole, many and a part to each other. Limited, one-sided types of worldviews of holism, merism and the genological type allow such a reduction, excluding the choice of optimal, sustainable co-development of nature, society and a man. Theoretical analysis.

Chance in Nature: the One and the Multiple

The article is devoted to some problems of modern natural science in
philosophical context of ontological categories «chance and necessity»,
«the One and the Multiple». Particularly, author examines problem of
existence of one world or multiple possible universes, constitution of
fundamental physical constants, set of conditions required for beginnings
and spread of life in the Universe. Duality of relations between
categories «chance» and «the One and the Multiple» is substantiated,

Post-Eventuality and the Subject of Absence in the Objective Phenomenology of Alain Badiou

The article considers the ontological significance of the objective phenomenology of Alain Badiou, as it is presented in his works «Logic of worlds» and «Second manifesto for philosophy». The author compares Badiou’s phenomenology with the phenomenological projects of Husserl and Heidegger, noting its subject less character.

Singular and Plural: Postmetaphysical Aspect

The article deals with the reception of traditional notions in contemporary philosophy. The transformation of singular and plural in philosophy of G. Deleuze, J. Derrida, J.-L. Nancy, A. Badiou is analyzed. The author draws a conclusion that the relation between singular and plural is problemizing in postmetaphysical philosophy and realization of the impossibility of their opposition takes place.