Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The problem of the gift: Theological and ontological contexts of modern thought

Introduction. At the very beginning, the problematic field of the article is outlined: we will not talk about the problem of the gift, but about why the gift becomes a problem. To do this, it is necessary to consider several contexts in which this problem arises. We propose to dwell on two of them: theological and ontological. Theoretical analysis. In a theological context, two currents of twentieth-century thought are examined in connection with their influence on the problem of the gift.

Spiritual Potential of Artistic Creation: Sociocultural Risks

In the article briefly lighted up and analyzed some aspects of development
of artistic creation, depending on the spiritual state of
artist. The author contends that any work of art captures a spiritual
state of the artist at the time of its creation. Basically, any creation
captures and reflects not only the spiritual state of «creator» during
the creation of work of art, but his spiritual intentionality. Therefore,
there is always a kind of spiritual seal on the result of creation. The

Globalization and the Phenomenon of Religious

The article studies the problem of the relationship between
globalization and the religious phenomenon in the modern era.
Special attention is paid to the specifics of the conflicts in religious
consciousness under the influence of globalization processes.
Globalization is seen as a complex phenomenon, includes a combination
of many elements of social reality.Open and participatory
modernity allows you to shape religious identity indirectly from
national and cultural component. So, mass forms of religiosity

Formation of Secular Society: Social and Philosophical Bases of Research

In article the conceptual bases of research of process of a secularization are considered, in particular, it is specified that Max Weber connects for the first time a secularization with modernization processes in the European society, and also with magic movement to rationality. Identification of consequences of a secularization is an actual problem of social and philosophical thought.

Dynamics of ideas about the process of secularization in socio-philosophical discourse

Introduction. The article analyzes the process of secularization of Western European society as a source of world secularism from the point of view of a Russian modern philosopher Grigory Borisovich Gutner and a Canadian philosopher, cultural historian Charles Margrave Taylor. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of this article, first of all, is not only the analysis of secularism as such, but also an attempt to understand the ways out of its coordinate system, which has driven itself into its own trap.