Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В статье анализируются проблемы теоретического проекта мир-
системы, выдвинутого представителями западной социологии в 
1970-е гг., и противоречия его реализации в условиях глобали-
зации.  Автор  доказывает  закономерность  возникновения  этого 
проекта, апеллируя к «эффекту системности» сознания с раци-
ональной доминантой экстравертивного мышления в парадигме 
классической философии. В то же время автор обращает внима-
ние на особенности формирования планетарной мир-системы в 

Personality Development as an Ideological Illusion of the Idea of Progress

The article is devoted to the topic of personal development in the idea of progress. This idea has always reflected in its content the concept of irreversible, linear and universal development as a movement from lower to higher. In this context, most studies on this topic considered the thesis of the inevitable, guaranteed, permanent and upward development of the personality as an axiom.

Biocentrism as a Model of Environmental Development of Society: Socio-Philosophical Analysis

The article is devoted to modern issues of bioethics and the problem of replacing anthropocentric values that lie in the relation of a man to nature with the values of biocentrism. Attempts to solve the environmental problems of modern society within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm have not been successful so far, despite the fact that many theories have been created to prevent the environmental crisis.

Historico-Philocophical Analysis of the Notion of Health in Natural Science and Russian Philosophy

A historico-philosophical analysis of the notion of health in the ontological, gnoseological, and axiological context has been carried out in the article. It analyses the views on the notion of health, starting from the cosmocentric indigenous beliefs of the Rusichi and ending with the modern scientific and philosophical interpretations of that phenomenon.

The anthropological nature of M. M. Bakhtin’s chronotope

Introduction. The relevance of the topic is substantiated and the purpose of the study is formulated. Theoretical analysis. An anthropological interpretation of M. M. Bakhtin’s chronotope is proposed. The unity of the chronotope is maintained by the dynamically nonequilibrium ratio of time and space. Chronotope expands the idea of an event and a place. The simultaneous presence of a person in a chronotope and a chronotope in a person is organic and inseparable.