Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Теократия как модель государства в философии В.С. Соловьева

Целью проведенного исследования является анализ концепции свободной теократии В.С. Соловьева. На примере программных произведений мыслителя: «История и будущность теократии», «Русская идея», «Духовные основы жизни», рассматривается модель направленности исторического процесса, а также идеального общественного устройства предложенная философом. Данная модель, по мнению В.С. Соловьева, могла бы положить конец межнациональным и межгосударственным конфликтам в Европе, а следом за ней и во всем мире, через восстановление утраченного послушания перед Богом.

The state and ethnic identity: Confrontation or alliance?

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between the state and ethnic group, state and ethnic identity. It reveals the mechanisms of state formation based on the development of cultural baggage created within the framework of the ethnic communicative space. Theoretical analysis. One of the distinctive features of modern states is the complex nature of the identities that comprise their citizens. The article shows in what ways and due to what the president of the state asserts the beginning of the state.


В статье рассматривается становление идеи патриотизма в гре-
ческой  философии.  Представлены  исторические,  социальные, 
религиозные  причины  формирования  этого  общественного  яв-
ления. Выделяется взаимосвязь устной традиции и теоретиче-
ского осмысления феномена, оказавшего приоритетное влияние 
на  ценностную  шкалу  античной  нравственности.  Исследуется 
логическая парадигма патриотизма во взаимодействии с обще-
ственными задачами, представленными в творчестве Платона и 

The Institutional Person and the Order of Society: Plato-Aristotle's Tradition and Modern Democracy

The paper is devoted to considering the philosophical heritage of Plato and Aristotle touching upon the problems of the institutional person as a representative of the community of people. The dominating influence of culture and the education of society on the essence of the established owner of moral and intellectual properties is fixed. Special attention is also paid to disclosing the quality of its functional coordination with the habit of society regarding the concrete ruling regime.


В статье проводится сравнительный анализ выделения субъек- тов власти в концепциях революций В. И. Ленина и М. Вебера. Историко-философский характер решения поставленной задачи позволяет аргументировать выбор для сопоставления концеп- туальных положений, отражающих вполне определенные рево- люционные события 1905–1917 гг. в России. Автор доказывает, что различия в теоретических построениях Ленина и Вебера по рассматриваемому вопросу обусловлены, прежде всего, принци- пиальной разницей в применяемой им методологии.

State, Society and Religion in West-European Civilization

For many ages society has been managed by different kind of states, from primitive to the most complicated. The history of religion in the space of Western Europe civilization is mostly the one of interrelations of churches and state institutes. The theme the article deals with is especially actual in the modern globalizing world.

The Problem of the Meaning of Life in the Philosophy of the Confucius

This article deals with some fundamental aspects of the philosophical ideas of the great Chinese thinker the Confucius. The author of the article tries to explore the Confuciuss views according to the circle of philosophical problems of the sense of life.

Democracy at the Concepts of the Alternative Directions in the Russian Philosophy (at the End of XIX – First Half of XX Centuries)

The article describes the comparative analysis of the concepts of democracy put forward by the representatives of the alternative directions of Russian philosophy at the end of XIX and first half of XX centuries. The author of the article notes the development of the ideas of democracy, observed and described in ancient Greek philosophy, by such thinkers of the Enlightenment as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, and others.

Social myth as a factor in constructing images of the future

The article defines the contemporary social myth as a value-laden phenomenon with the potential and significance, but which is used in different ways by actors – an indwelling by a myth, a creator of a myth and a critic of a myth. The process of myth-making is considered as launching the so-called work on myth, which includes both the activity of myth-makers and the functioning of the myth in the masses.

The Moral Bases of Subject Inter-civilization Dialogue between Russia and China

The article is devoted to a problem of a subject of inter-civilization dialogue between Russia and China. The author proves a methodological and theoretical legitimacy of civilizational approach to solution of the problem of determination of moral grounds of this subject. Based on the indentified methodological positions, he carries out a comparative analysis of value of the spiritual-moral priorities of cultural traditions of Russia and China. It is based on the idea of «person – а moral force», V. S. Solovyov and the ideal of «the noble husband» Confucius.
