Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Spiritual Potential of Artistic Creation: Sociocultural Risks

In the article briefly lighted up and analyzed some aspects of development
of artistic creation, depending on the spiritual state of
artist. The author contends that any work of art captures a spiritual
state of the artist at the time of its creation. Basically, any creation
captures and reflects not only the spiritual state of «creator» during
the creation of work of art, but his spiritual intentionality. Therefore,
there is always a kind of spiritual seal on the result of creation. The


В статье рассматривается различие философских проектов модернизма и постмодернизма посредством анализа понятия онто-историчности характерного для модернистского типа он- тологического мышления. Утверждается, что хайдеггеровская философия бытия выступает в качестве пограничного состояния между онтологическими поисками модерна и их восприятием со- временной онтологией, что и определяет ее значение. Анализи- руется критика М. Хайдеггером тезисов о бытии в классической онтологии и критика фундаментальной онтологии со стороны философии постмодернизма и деконструкции.

Catholic Traditionalists: An Attempt to Refine the Definition

Referring to the research literature on Catholic traditionalism, as well as the works of the traditionalist Catholics themselves (whose most prominent representative was the Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre), we invariably come across a whole variety of definitions and self-determination of traditionalist groups. These definitions are built, as a rule, upon the fact that the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) turned out to be the cause and the moment of birth for Catholic traditionalism.

The purpose of non-classical art as a philosophical problem (based on the philosophy of V. S. Solovyov, S. N. Bulgakov and N. A. Berdyaev)

Introduction. In the modern world, the problem of the purpose of art remains relevant due to the emergence of various forms of non-classical art. Modernism and postmodernism differ from classical art, therefore it is inappropriate to transfer the purpose of classical art to these movements without a deep analysis. It seems reasonable for the analysis of non-classical art to consider it through the spectacles of Russian religious philosophy. Theoretical analysis.