Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Personality Characteristics of the Managers, Operating Business-Systems at the Different Stages of Development

In this article examined the problem of distinctions in socially-psychological personality characteristics between two types of managers - ones operating business at stages of development and during stabilization. Basic parameters specific for the personalities of the observed types, are described.

Correlation of the Beliefs about World and Self-Actualization of Personalities in Process of the Professional Socialization Midshipman Military High School

In article offered results of the empirical studies beliefs about world of midshipman military high school, their structures in process of the professional socialization. Match up the presentations and features self-actualization, are revealled typical particularities of these phenomenas.

Process of the Socializations in Changing Condition of Being and Subjective Well-Being

In article are discussed questions of the correlation subjective and subjectivity with position of the socializations of personalities, shaping space of being. It is analysed their place and role in shaping the subjective well-being of personalities.

The Questions of Methodology Maintenance of Juridical Psychology Expert Research

The methodology aspect of psychology juridical expert research is considered in the article and ways of solving the problems wich are connected with making of such expert research methodic on the base of general scientific methodology principles are also discussed. The determinant means of principles of systematic and individualization are demonstrated. The system of criterias of scientific justifiability of making juridical psychology expert judgments is formulated.

She-Truth: The Experience of Female Gnoseologization

The article is an attempt to reconceive gnoseological symbol «She- Truth». She-Truth does not tempt philosophical mind, does not deprive it of Its creativity. She-Truth emancipates philosophical mind, gives it creative impetus and protects philosophers personality.

The Structural Organization of Self-Сontrol Depending on a Level of Subjective Well-Being of the Person

In article results of empirical research of interrelation of self-control and subjective well-being of the person are submitted. Specificity of interfunctional connections in structure of self-control of the person is shown depending on a level of subjective well-being.

Personality as the Subject of Relations and Interrelations

This article discusses the problem of person as the subject of the relations and interactions with each other. Analyzes the relationship of personality and their psychological characteristics. Special attention is given to the subjective position and relationship of personality to the other persons.


Interrelation of Values and Characteristics of Self-Determination of Students Capital and Provincial High School

In this article discuss results of empirical research of interrelation values and characteristics of self-determination. It is shown similarity and distinction of valuable, interrelation of values and availability of students capital and provincial high school. Presents results of factorial (bifactorial decision) analysis of mind values system of high school students.

Using the Method of "Teaching Through Experience" in Teaching Primary School Students in "The Spirit Of Peace"

The problem of the shortage of teaching tolerance methodic in primary school is viewed. The method of teaching primary school students in «the spirit of peace» is offered. The exercises worked out on the base of the method of «Teaching through experience» are shown.

Nikolay Berdjaev: the Aesthetics of Tradition and Pathos of Revolution

In article is presented the point of view on N.A. Berdjaeva's philosophy, allowing to understand it as consequence of difficult interaction of two opposite factors. On the one hand, its origin and education; on the other hand, its involvements into elements of historical shocks. The author underlines that «reconciliation» of these moments, according to the doctrine of the Russian thinker, probably, thanks to the creative beginning in the person.
