Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В статье анализируются предпосылки трансформации религиоз- ной идентификации в обществе риска. Анализ социальных транс- формации представлен в контексте соотношения формальных и неформальных институтов, в сравнении отношений общности и отношений власти. Потрясения, связанные с разрушением цен- ностного измерения, обусловили интенсивность трансформаций и формирование протестной динамики. Фундаментальные цен- ности – это заданная перспектива, не сводимая к расхожему по- ниманию социальной памяти. Это, скорее, социальная память о том, что есть будущее.

The Historic-Philosophical Analysis of the Problem of the Estimatе

During the historic-philosophical analysis is found out, what exactlyI. Kant has divided spheres of knowledge, values and the estimations carried by it accordingly to gnoseology, ethics and an aesthetics.Thus, it is necessary to note, that I. Kant has not created the estimate-valuable theory and at all has not realized up to the end an essence of the problem put by it. Subtleties of the estimate-valuable theory its followers V. Windelband and H. Rickert have started to understand and comprehend all.

The Conflict and the Order in Civilization Structures

The author analyzes the conflicts of civilizations in this article. The Author considers the reasons of these conflicts that are created value.
The value of one civilization disagrees with the value of other civilizations. At the end of article he draws a conclusion. The problem
of civilization’s conflicts has to be studied together with modern global problems and problems of modernizations. 

The Highest Values in Strategies of Civilization Development

This article is devoted to analysis of descriptions and contradictions of humanism. It is emphasis, that the formation and the degeneracy of humanism is a main cause of crisis the modern European consciousness. In proclamation the orientation to the human being, the different directions of humanism are rejecting the objectivity of highest values and went over to the position of nihilism.

The Individual in Modern Society : Life Strategies, Values, Risks (round table materials)

Междисциплинарные исследования весьма актуальной темы «Личность в пространстве рисков» в научном сообществе философов, психологов, педагогов Саратовского университета имеют свою предысторию. В сентябре 2008 г. был проведен «круглый стол» по теме «Личность в группах риска», где обсуждались философские и психологические проблемы рискогенного поведения личности, выдвигались разные модели групп риска, выяснялись соотношение коллективных и индивидуальных рисков, возможные сценарии управления ситуациями риска в малых группах.

Sources of Sense Formation of Person’s Emigratory Intention

Such sources of situational sense formation of emigratory intention as motives, spiritual values, significant experience related to perception of various fairy-tale and mythological images of the local culture; stable individual methods of sense regulation in difficult situations of life are considered. The results of our empirical study of sense formation factors of the emigratory intention of students in the modern cultural and historical situation are presented.

Anthropogenesis in the Conditions of the Development of Information Technology

Author researches process of influence introduction of high-technology for anthropogenesis, development of culture, values paradigm of information society.

Russian Immigrants' Personal Self-Actualization and Subjective Well-Being

The article represents results of empirical research of the interrelation between Russian immigrants' personal self-actualization and subjective well-being. Detailed results based on a sample of Russians who migrated, and Russians who live in Russia are provided. Common and particular interrelations between personal self-actualization and subjective well-being are highlighted. Also the features typical for persons living in Russia, Germany, USA and Spain are considered. 

Value-based Meaningful Characteristics of Social Activity of Youth, Depending on the Forms of Its Manifestation

The purpose of the study presented in the article was to identify the similarities and differences in value-based meaningful characteristics that determine the different forms of social activity of youth. The results of an empirical study performed on a sample of young people aged 18–25 (N = 80) are presented. The study of the youth’s social activity is performed with the help of the original questionnaire; its life-purpose characteristics are analyzed with the help of the lifepurpose orientations test by D. A. Leontev, the existence scale by A. Langle and C.

Dialogue of Church and State: Problem of Interpretation in Conservative Ideal and Political Philosophical Tradition and Political Theology of K. Shmitt

Traditionally, for many centuries, the dialogue between the Church and the state was characterized by a significant influence of the Church on all major spheres of social life in most countries of the Christian world. Revealing the theocratic foundations of the institutionalization of the value dialogue of the church and state in modern societies, the author focuses on clarifying the causes of the spiritual and moral crisis of Western civilization.
