Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Muratov A. V. Integration of islamic philosophical and legal aspects into the paradigm of social and economic development of Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 147-151. DOI: 10.18500/1819-7671-2024-24-2-147-151 , EDN: GLPFCC

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Integration of islamic philosophical and legal aspects into the paradigm of social and economic development of Russia

Muratov Alexey Vladimirovich, Saratov State University

. Introduction. The article examines the social transformation of state-confessional relations, its historical aspect, positive and negative trends of their evolution in the conditions of the formation of modern Russian society. The object of the study was the socio-philosophical aspects of some provisions of the economic model based on the principles of Islam as one of the traditional denominations of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. The theoretical foundations of this issue in the paradigm of classical Muslim thought are given, as well as examples of their application in the modern socio-economic field of Russian regions. The philosophical justifications of the considered models of social relationships are analyzed from the standpoint of Islamic theology. Conclusion. The result of this work is the conclusion that the use of the potential and developments based on the socio-philosophical aspect of Islamic theology can serve as a positive experience of the inclusion of Islamic models in the all-Russian socio-economic field. This vector of development is designed to make progress in the spheres of life of the Russian society. And at the same time, the integration of the denominational aspect into the paradigm of socio-economic development of Russia has a special role to play.

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