Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Methodology of Science: Towards a Rational Reconstruction K. Popper’s Concept (Retracted 22/06/2022)

Martynovich Sergey Fedorovich, Saratov State University

The article considers the problem of a rational reconstruction K. Popper’s concept of the methodology of science. The notion of rational reconstruction includes such aspects of scientific rationality as logicality, methodological, axiological and purposeful aspects of investigation. They are reconstructed conventional approach to the construction of the theory of scientific method, which is based on the choice of the values of freedom of scientific research, while maintaining empirical research. The concept of the method of rational discussion emphasizes the concept of an objective ideal tool rational criticism. Because the experience is understood as a method of differences one theoretical system from another, insofar the theory of knowledge of empirical science is conceptualized as a theory of empirical method. Since the «basic» statements are accepted as withstood the test at the moment of state of scientific debate, insofar opening of a new scientific fact is proposed as convention regarding admission statement, it expresses, in the category of scientific statements. 


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Г. А. Новичковой. М., 2004. 638 с.
3.   Поппер К. Р.  Объективное знание : эволюционный 
подход / пер. с англ. Д. Г. Лахути. М., 2002. 384 с.
4.   Поппер К. Логика социальных наук // Эволюционная 
эпистемология  и  логика  социальных  наук  :  Карл 
Поппер и его критики / пер. с англ. Д. Г. Лахути. М., 
2000. C. 298–313.