Psychosocial Aspects of the Relationship of Alexithymia and Addiction Among Youth
The results of the psycho-social analysis of alexithymia as the functional features of the human nervous system. In the author’s empirical research revealed the specifics of alexithymia among young people with non-chemical addictions, identified the importance of alexithymia as a risk factor in the development addictiveness (for example, Internet addiction). The study was conducted in 2016 (N = 15) by applying a quality methodology. The survey was carried out through interviews in two modes – online and offline.The sample included representatives of youth – socio-demographic group with the age limits of 14 to 30 years, as well as experts of the specialized agencies, engaged in research, prevention and rehabilitation of people with addiction. It found that with aleksitimichnymi personality traits frequently characterized by a specific imbalance in which emotions are manifested mainly in the context of dependencies, and not in real life: the study new research results have practical importance, namely, were obtained in most cases, alexithymia, addiction unknowingly youth; alexithymia gain frequently occurs as a result of social stereotypes; alexithymia is one of the risk factors in youth addictiveness. The relationship of alexithymia and addiction found as a result of various forms of addictive behavior, as well as the transformation of the human personality.
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