Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Script Adaptation of Foreign Students in Russia

Ryaguzova Elena Vladimirovna, Saratov State University

The article presents the results of theoretical reflection and empirical research of sociocultural adaptation of foreign students, who studing in universities of Saratov. Proposed the construct of “script adaptation”, involving a project of action of the individual, aimed at its adaptation to new sociocultural conditions. Empirical research was conducted using qualitative (case study, projective techniques) and quantitative methods (“Assessment of acculturation attitudes”, “Adaptation personality to new sociocultural environment”, the questionnaire of interpersonal relations, the scale of social distance, acceptance of another, strategies self-presentation in interpersonal communication, types of ethnic identity). It is shown that positive ethnic identity associated with the acculturation strategy “Integration” and “Separation”, high level of acceptance of others, increased social activity, the desire of the individual to self-realization. The script adaptation, the basis of which is the acculturation strategy “Marginalization”, is positioned as a transitional (liminal) script and it is important to create conditions so specified liminality, not fixed. The script adaptation, constructed on the basis of the acculturation strategy “Assimilation” is associated with a diffuse identity, a sufficiently high level of adaptability and conformity, a focus on the adoption of the norms of a new social and cultural environment, specific strategies self-presentation and deeply felt nostalgia.


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