Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Zemstvo and the Problems of Development of Public Education (Review of Certain Documents Zemstvo Institutions)

Pozdnyakov Alexander N., Saratov State University

The article traces the development of Zemstvo activities in the field of public education. The emergence of the Zemstvo institutions was the result of the implementation of the Zemstvo reform, which was one of the main areas of transformation activity of Alexander II. The Zemstvo institutions did not immediately take an active and concerned stance towards public education. Gradually their attitude towards public education has changed, it became deeper. Was the search of ways of development of education, forms and degrees of participation in this activity of Zemstvo institutions. Their participation in the development of education is largely accomplished through the active position of the prominent representatives of the Zemstvo movement. Source of research was the documents and materials of the Zemstvo institutions of various provinces of the country, published in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Documents show that created as a result of the reformation activities conditions allowed us to successfully implement large-scale measures to develop the educational sphere. Based on the analysis of statistical data shows the process of expansion and deepening of Zemstvo activity in the field of public education. One measure of this was the significant increase in the number of educational institutions, a significant increase in funding educational activities.


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16. Orenburgskoe gub. zemskoe sobr. 3-ya ocherednaya sessiya. Doklady po narodnomu obrazovaniyu i zhurnaly [Orenburg provincial Zemstvo Assembly. 3rd regular session. Reports on public education and magazines]. Orenburg, 1916. 325 p. (in Russian). 

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18. Otchety zaveduyushchih otd. nar. obrazovaniya uezdnykh zemstv Olonetskoy gubernii za 1911–1912 god [Reports of heads of education departments of County-level Zemstvo of Olonets province for the year 1911–1912]. Petrozavodsk, 1912. 192 p. (in Russian).