Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Kondratiev's Cyclic Approach to the Description of Structural Changes in the Technosphere

Kondaurov Andrei Sergeevich, Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after M. Matusovsky

The article discloses the relationship of economic methodological approaches. Kondratieff with new methodological ideas of the philosophy of technology within the general philosophical and cultural context of modern science. The idea of a cycle in the philosophy of technology and its connection with the Kondratiev cycles is considered by the method of comparison and search for analogies. It is shown that economic cycles are repetitive in character and the same cycles are characteristic of the technosphere. Economic recovery is similar to the rise in the number of inventions that occur as a result of a major technological discovery. A new concept is introduced – technorhythmology, which is the main futurological method and is considered as a new way in the problem of studying the role of technology in society and culture. Technorhythmology is analogous to the Kondratiev cycles in the philosophy of technology. Such an analogy is possible, since the economic structures, according to Kondratieff, have something in common with the structures of changes in the technosphere. This general is based on the connection of ups and downs caused by a significant bifurcation event. The application of a method analogous to the Kondratieff cycles for the philosophy of technology is possible due to the existence of just such a starting point. Great attention has been paid to the problems of interaction between new technical inventions and their influence on modern reality. The extent of the relationship between early and late inventions and the relationship of economic downturns and upswings are described.


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