Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Internet-technology as a Human Body Extension: Social-Philosophical Analysis

Gubanova Anna S., Saratov State University

The purpose of the paper is to give social-philosophical analysis of contemporary Internet-technologies which form human digital environment and determine their communication means, behavior styles, living activity, intellectual progress. General tendency to transgression and convergence within sociocultural, economic, political processes, which are properly revealed in digital domain, is what we encounter nowadays. The problem at issue is quite urgent for the reason that today a person in developed countries depends on virtual technologies. So we face new issues in the privacy sphere such as human corporality and identity, and in the common to humanity sphere such as ethics, trans-humanism, cyborgization. The Internet is no more a part of our life, as it swallowed the most of its activities – from living environment and privacy to manufacturing, media, science, and it literally tied a person by means of gadgets and technologies. While we develop technologies, we also think about consequences of this progress for society and a person, and also about potential human cyborgization and ethical aspect of these issues. This article is investigate where the real domain ends and the virtual one begins, from the social philosophy standpoint. Key words: virtuality, digital, Internet-technology, Internet of things, cyborgization, transgression, social communication.


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