Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Subjective Judgments of the Young Addicts and the Social and Psychological Reasons of Their Involvement in Drug Abuse (on Material of the Research of Nigerian Youth)

Ekedegwa Ringo O., Saratov State University

The article is devoted to studying the contents of the subjective judgments of young Nigerian drug addicts on the social and psychological reasons of their involvement in drug abuse. The author generalizes the main theoretical approaches to this problem. Research objective: to study the main social and psychological judgments determining involvement of the Nigerian youth in drug abuse. Research methods: a questioning method by means of the author’s questionnaire consisting of some questions directed to studying and understanding the features of the circumstances connected with the use of drugs by the respondent, the subjective judgments connected with determinants of intake of the controlled substances, methods of mathematical statistics. On the basis of the analysis of the subjective judgments of examinees, three main social and psychological determinants of drug abuse among the Nigerian youth were established: a) the positive mindset connected with usefulness of the use of narcotic substances; b) features of defects of family education in the childhood; c) direct participation of friends drug users in formation of the decision by the young man on admissibility of the use of psychoactive substances. Positive mindset about usefulness of taking narcotic substances are connected with the need for improvement of attention, thinking, the speech and empathy. Besides, in this case the need for deprivation of negative thoughts is satisfied, disposal of feeling of loneliness and alarm is implemented. Features of defects of family education are connected with existence parental neglect of the educational duties and ignoring needs of the child for belonging to family. Features of influence of peers (friends) are connected with primary initiation of drug abuse and maintenance of a further narcotization of the individual.


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