Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Ratio of Envy, Subjective Well-Being and Social Skills

Shamionov Rail Munirovich, Saratov State University

The problem of determination of envy, multi-level mechanisms of its regulation is one of the urgent problems in today’s dynamic and highly differentiated society. The study of the relationship of envy, subjective well-being and social skills can reveal the direction of the links between these variables. The study involved 196 people of both sexes (44% of men) aged M = 28.6; SD = 8.5. The research was based on the technique for the diagnosis of personal enviousness and subject areas of envy (T. V. Beskova), methods of measuring subjective well-being of the individual by R. M. Shamionov and T. V. Beskova, the questionnaire of the level of development of social skills (designed by D. N. Khlomov, S. A. Baklushinskii, O. Y. Kazmina on the basis of patterns of social behavior by A. P. Goldstein). The regulating role of social skills (abilities) in the functioning of envy and the role of the latter in the variations of subjective well-being of the individual are determined. It is shown that 14% of variations of envy-dislike, 8% of variations of envy-despondency and 7% of variations of object envy are attributed to the level of possession of social skills. Emotional satisfaction accounts for up to a quarter of the variations of envy in its various manifestations: 22% of the object envy, 14% of envy-dislike, 17% variations of envy-despondency. The results of structural modeling revealed the mediating role of envy in the relationship of social skills and subjective well-being.


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