Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Subjective Images of the Past, Present and Future of a Country as Predictors of Commitment to One’s Country

Frolova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Saratov State University

The article describes the results of the empirical research into and theoretical analysis of image determination of commitment to one’s country. Topicality of the issue is increasing in the globally transforming world that is facing growing tendencies of international, territorial mobility of life and career strategies of modern society. In the conditions of obvious outer macrosocial determination of sovereign migration behavior, social psychology has to tackle the tasks of scientific study of inner personal predictors of commitment to one’s country. The article was aimed at analyzing the role of subjective images of the past, present and future of a country in building up commitment of an individual to his or her country. To achieve the goal, the empirical research was undertaken. The research involved 219 people (137 female and 82 male participants; age range = 18-32) who were all citizens of Russia, university students and employees of private and state organizations. The research was based on the principle of anonymous participation and relied on the author’s original questionnaire “Commitment to One’s Country”, designed image and association test “The Image of Russia and Foreign Countries” and A. M. Etkind’s test of color relations. The role of subjective images of the past, present and future of a country in building up commitment of an individual to his or her country was assessed with the method of multiple regression analysis carried out by SPSS 20 computer program. The research revealed that subjective beliefs, positively and meaningfully connoted, about the future of the country play the major role in complex determination of commitment of an individual to his or her country.


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