Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Language, Intersubjectivity, Reflection: Peculiarities of K.-O. Apel’s «Linguistic Paradigm»

Tetyuev Leonid I., Saratov State University

The article reveals the peculiarities of «linguistic paradigm» by K.-O. Apel, who has reconstructed historico-humanistic tradition in German philosophy of the language and hermeneutics. The philosopher created his original conception by transforming Kant’s transcendental philosophy seeking the answer to the question about the creation of the conditions for the possible sensible argumentation in modern society, which could be based on language, communication and ethics of joint responsibility. Reference to the idea of the unity of language and linguistic conditions of the possible intersubjective pragmatics of the understanding of one’s self and others becomes particularly topical.

  1. Apel K.-O. Paradigmen der Ersten Philosophie. Zur refl exiven – transzendentalpragmatischen – Rekonstruktion der Philosophiegeschichte (Paradigm of the First Philosophy. To the Refl exive Transcendental-Pragmatic Reconstruction of the History of Philosophy). Berlin, 2011. 372 p.
  2. Kant I. Kritik der reinen Vernunft (Critique of Pure Reason). Werkausgabe: in 12 Bde. Frankfurt/M, 1980, bd. III. 340 p.
  3. Tetyuev L. I. Aktualnost transtsendentalnoy fi losofi i: kontekst sovremennoy diskussii (Topicality of the Transcendental Philosophy: the Context of Modern Debate). Vestnik Omskogo Universiteta (Herald of Omsk University), 2012, no. 1(63), pp. 31–34.
  4. Apel K.-O. Transformation der Philosophie: in 2 bd. (Transformation of Philosophy Transformation of Philosophy). Das Apriori der Kommunikationsgemeinschaft. II bd. (A priori of the Communicative Community. Vol. 2). Frankfurt /M, 1973, 446 p.
  5. Apel K.-O. Auseinandersetzungen in Erprobung des transzendental-pragmatischen Ansatzes (Dispute over the Probation of the Transcendental-Pragmatic Foundations). Frankfurt/M, 1998. 886 s.
  6. Apel K.-O. Diskursethik als Verantwortungsethik – eine postmetaphysische Transformation der Ethik Kants (The Discourse Ethics as Ethics of Responsibility – Postmetaphysical Transformation of Kant’s Ethics). Kant in der Diskussion der Moderne (Kant in Modern Debate). Frankfurt /M, 1996. 590 s.