Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Institutions for Noble Girls in Educational System of Russia in the Second Half of XVIII – the Beginning of the XIX Century

Pozdnyakov Alexander N., Saratov State University

The establishment of women educational system in Russia is associated with Catherine the Great. In 1864 she opened the first school for women in Russia which got the name «Imperial Educational Society for Noble Girls». Later it was named Smolniy Institute. The fact that it was not only an idea of education for women but real steps put into practice for establishing and development of this system let Russia significantly advanced comparatively with many other European countries. Having started with specialized educational institutions for women Catherine the Great soon spread the idea of systematic women education on the lower social strata. After the death of Catherine the Great in 1976 the development of women education did not stop thanks to Empress Maria Fyodorovna. She contributed a lot to creation of women educational institutions as an overall system which later became a foundation for the Vedomstvo (departament) of Empress Maria Iinstitutions. 

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