Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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378.016: 802.0(075)

Optimization of Teaching Vocationally Oriented Reading English Texts by Means of Emotionalization (as exemplified by teaching students of geology at a technical university)

Soukhanova Valentina I., Ukhta State Technical University

The main contradictions in foreign language teaching to future geologists at higher engineering and technical educational establishments are formulated. The practicability of improving this process through optimizing teaching vocationally-oriented reading by humanizing and emotionalizing it and also by rendering a productive philological orientation to it is substantiated. The essence of the above-said principles as applied to teaching vocationally-oriented reading in a foreign tongue to students of engineering is presented. Some means developed by the author of the article to emotionalize teaching vocationally-oriented reading in English to students majoring in geology are considered. The practicability of these means was substantiated by the results of experimental teaching ESP to bachelors who are trained at Ukhta state technical university to work in the field of geology and exploration for mineral resources. 

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