Landscapes of Happiness: the Emotional Foundations of Modern Consumption
Consumption is seen as the key process of modern society. In terms of social action consumption is an institutionalized action, a social practice, which can lead both to expenditure value and to its growth. The objects of consumption are manmade and natural objects with symbolic meaning. Image/brand/sign update values and motivation and behavior. Consumption as a mass cultural phenomenon is possible in a developed communication infrastructure, producing avalanche processes. As a result, consumer society is able not only to meet the needs of its members, but also generate new, perhaps, completely unexpected needs. The classical formula has gained the opposite state: «supply creates demand». The supply has become a symbolic capital, a huge role in the creation of which has been given by emotions. The model of contemporary consumerism fundamentally associated with emotions is developed. The ways of designing landscapes of happiness are comprehended. The rule «4A» underlies the design of landscapes of happiness: attraction, awareness, attribution, action.
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