Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Audioverbal Memory and Attention of Teenagers with Favorable Forms of Epilepsy and Schizophrenia

Zvereva N. V., Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.

The article concerns the problem of audioverbal memory and attention as types of cognitive deficits in adolescents with favorable forms of psychopathology. Cognitive functions of 70 patients aged 16–17 years, were assessed and compared with normative performance of healthy peers using z-scores (Z). We used the method «Schulte’s Tables» and «10 words». All results of patients were compared among themselves and with normative group. The patients with a favorable form of epilepsy (idiopathic epilepsy in remission) and schizophrenia (schizotypal disorder) demonstrated similar levels of audioverbal memory and visual attention, the other ones with more severe form of mental illness - child type of schizophrenia, found significant differences with other groups of patients. Integrity of audioverbal memory can be the sign of favorability of mental illness in adolescence, regardless of the duration of the disease. 

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