Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Psychological strategies and types of financial behavior of students at diff erent Russian universities

Ryaguzova Elena Vladimirovna, Saratov State University
Chinchevich Elena V., Moscow State Institute of International Relations

The article presents the results of empirical research aimed at a comparative analysis of fi nancial behavior strategies and economic aspirations of Russian students (N = 80, age 19–20 years) studying at metropolitan and regional universities (Saratov and Moscow). As methods of research were used survey and testing (questionnaire of subjective economic well-being V. A. Khashchenko; test of dispositional optimism in modifi cation of T. O. Gordeeva, O. A. Sychev, E. N. Osin; questionnaire of self-organization of activity in E. Yu. Mandrikova adaptation; Schwarz portrait questionnaire). In two groups of students both similarities (determinants of fi nancial behavior, economically cautious strategy of budget management, avoidance of fi nancial risk, small savings practices, fi nancial infantilism, lack of fi nancial awareness, attractiveness of some forms of investment, optimism expression, similarity of profi les of value orientations) and diff erences (personal budget structuring, economic aspirations and dream, readiness to take fi nancial risk) were found. It is asserted that the identifi ed similarities are determined by the respondents’ affi liation with a certain social group, while the diff erences are caused by the subcultural features of the territory of study and residence. Based on the assessment of subjective economic well-being and life prospects, confi guration of value orientations, specifi cs of strategic goal-setting, the typology of fi nancial behavior of students studying at diff erent universities is proposed. The applied aspect of the problem under study consists in the possibility of using the results in the development of programs of socio-psychological adaptation of students to the conditions of learning and living; educational programs aimed at eliminating economic illiteracy of students; programs of psychological support and student counseling.

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