Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Diagnosis of personal results of training in “Professional Ethics”: Problem statement

Sharko Maria Igorevna, Kuzbass Institute Federal Penitentiary Service

Introduction.The article considers the possibility and necessity of diagnosing personal results of training in professional ethics at the level of higher education. The author identifi es special aspects of penitentiary staff performance which determine professionally signifi cant qualities directly related to ethical standards. The role of professional ethics is noted as a factor that can minimize unfavorable circumstances of service, and prevent professional deformation and personal degradation. Theoretical analysis. Attention is drawn to the specifi cs of measuring personal training results and to the given characteristics of diagnostic materials and search experiment data. The possibility of setting a task that requires a detailed substantiated answer for the qualitative diagnosis of personal training results is justifi ed. Conclusions. Analysis of the works showed that cadets (full-time students) and correctional offi cers (extra-mural students) have formed a personal attitude to the main categories of professional ethics. The diff erences lie in the ranking of ethics functions in performance and the nature of reasoning. These diff erences may be due to diff erences in life and professional experience. It is advisable to take into account the data of the search experiment, while preparing the materials of the recording section and organizing training activities of students of subsequent years of recruitment.

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