Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Discourse-Management of Social Dynamics of Global Processes: Social-Politic Sphere

Nowadays it has become more noticeable a tendency of different states to the mutual collaborating or opposing. Interstate contacts and links reach the other qualitative level. The cause of that lies in the process of globalization, demanding from states of greater integration and search of allies. The search of efficient governance strategies treats us to approach in this article to the program of discourse management of social processes. 

Moral in Politics: Social and Religious Contexts of Russian Philosophy

The question of moral and politics correlation has a deep background. All philosophers, who studied political process, made different conclusions. The correlation of moral and politics is very important problem in the world of modern social changes.

Religious Groups in a Risky Realities

Article is devoted a problem of definition religious groups in a risk society. It is underlined, that necessity of research has been caused by a number of the reasons: first, use knowledge of religious studies in social philosophy; second: power relations became involved powerful non-government organizations, corporations, whose role is poorly understood, in contrast to, for example, the state-church relations.

Russian Idea: Historical and Philosophical and Social Foundations

The article examines the genesis of the notion «Russian idea», its place
in Russian religious thought, its influence on public consciousness of
Russian intelligentsia of the late XIX – the early XX centuries

Intercultural Discursive Strategy: Socio-Philosophical Analysis of Interaction between Russia and China

One of the major challenges of our time is to create a new conceptual framework for implementation, interpretation and prediction of interaction between Russia and China in the area of contemporary intercultural discourse. The choice of strategies of intercultural interaction of Russian and Chinese culture bearers is objectively defined by culture coordinate system in the range of the implementation of management strategies.

Ethics of a Discourse as a Basis of Strategy of Socialization in the Globalized World

The problem of self-preservation of the vital world of the person does a problem of modernization of strategy of socialization especially actual. The reference to ethics of a discourse the expert, constructed on harmonious interaction of the separate individual and a global society opens prospect on working out, a substantiation and introduction social.

Dynamics of Globalizing Economy in Discursive Management Context: European and Chinese Strategies

Close connection between economic, cultural and political sphere of America, Europe and China leads to situation that the slightest crisis in one of these areas objectively affects the others. Competent management, the social contract which role is carried out now by principles of the socially-focused state therefore is required. Positive value for that matter gets also searching of optimum models of discursive regulation of global transformations.