Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Axiological aspect of will in scientific knowledge

Introduction. The article presents the axiological aspect of will as a phenomenon of a person's regulation of his behavior and scientific activity, in particular. The study of the mechanisms of volitional decisions in scientific knowledge is necessary, first of all, because the will is responsible for the formation of goals and the implementation of eff orts to realize them.

The Philosophy of Uniqueness

The article is devoted to the actualization of the principle of uniqueness for methodology in philosophy and epistemology. This is due to the fact that no attention is paid to the uniqueness in scientific discourse. However, if general and universal could be the necessary results of cognition for the natural science, then for humanities the heuristic status of uniqueness should become the aim of research at least due to the fact of the uniqueness of a human being and personality in the context of anthropology.

Space: Fractal Representations

The article deals with the philosophical, physical and mathematical concepts of space. The novel topological ideas related with fractality phenomenon are discussed. Ontological meaning of fractality is cleared out.