Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

educational activities

Methods and forms of education of a modern student

Introduction. At present, with the priority of education in the country’s public policy, it is important to analyze existing approaches to the categories of methods and forms of education. Theoretical analysis allows us to see contradictions in the interpretation of these concepts. Comparative analysis makes it possible to identify significant guidelines for the teacher in choosing methods and forms of education in working with children, and to highlight the most significant positions.

Changes of Marine Education Content in Connection with Military Reforms in Russia in the 1860s-70s

The period of the second half of the 19th century is described as the period of significant changes in almost all spheres of social and political life. The reforms of 1860-70es stimulated capitalist relationship, fortifying the defensive potential of the state and influencing directly the change of military educational concept. Thus, the article examines the influence of political and military reformations of the 1860–70ies on the development of marine education in Russia.

Pedagogical cases in the higher education system

Introduction. In the system of domestic higher education, the creation of individual cases on pedagogical situations in higher education, and then the formation of their base is in demand. The purpose of the study is to develop a version of the pedagogical case on the situation in the system of higher education as a model for creating a bank of similar cases in the future. Theoretical analysis. When teaching disciplines in the field of higher education for future teachers, cases on various pedagogical situations are used.