Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Doubt as a mechanism of the change of epistemic states (on the materials of the philosophy of pragmatism and neuropsychology)

Science has not yet found a solution to the question of how cognitive mechanisms, which are crucial for the subjective processes of evaluating the reliability of information and doubt, are arranged. This ability is usually associated with both the pragmatic consequences of accepting a belief and the material substance of consciousness. In this article, the author proposes to compare one of the largest conceptions of doubt in philosophy, the pragmatic conception, with the theory of false tags, which was presented in the last decade by the neuropsychologist E.

In what Descartes Doubts?

The article considers the ontological systems of Descartes, namely his famous point of doubt. Following the instructions of Husserl, the author proposes to make a careful analysis of the traditional method of a thinker. 

Skepticism: Historical and logical forms and perspectives

Introduction. The permanent relevance of skepticism is due to its ancestral connection with philosophy. The problematic nature of the definition of «skepticism» in the conditions of post-non-classical ambiguity of modern social development determines the immediate relevance of the analysis of skepticism. The complexity and novelty of the goal determine the choice of the historical and logical method of research and the emphasis on its logical component. Theoretical analysis.