Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

coping strategies

Coping methods as a new paradigm for the processes of influencing the behavior and personal traits of schoolchildren

Introduction. Many educational systems recognize the importance of building a skill of conflict-free communication in the younger generation, which is based on tolerance or the ability to accept others without judging. Statistics indicate the presence of a large number of theoretical works on the development of conflict-free communication skills. However, psychologists record an increase in aggression and conflict in Russian society.

Coping Strategies of People, Suffering from Drug and Alcohol Addiction, with Different Levels of Hardiness

This article presents results of an empirical study intended to analyze coping strategies of people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction with different levels of hardiness. First theoretical approaches to hardiness and its components: commitment, control, challenge, have been analyzed. The study was conducted in a rehab center for people suffering from drug and (or) alcohol addiction. The study involved 37 people suffering from drug and (or) alcohol addiction – 27 men and 10 women aged 16 to 47 years old.