Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Transformation and «Rasvoploshenie» as Ontologic Intuitions of Russian and Western Thought

Article argues that difference between ontological intuitions of Russian and western philosophy goes back to distinction between such forms of sacral experience as sanctitu and mysticism. The mysticism is connected with experience of «rasvoploshenie», sanctitu – with transformation of experience. The fundamental project of Russian religions philosophy is linked with attempt of philosophical judgment of experience of transformation.

"Eonotopos" in the Poetical World of Arseniy Tarkovskiy: Problems of Religious-Philosophical Analysis of a Poetical Text

The article is dedicated to the problem of the interpretation of the religious-philosophical text. One of the instruments of the analysis is the category of eonotopos, which is related to the category of chronotopos. The philosophical tradition of Russian lyrical poetry is analysed on the material of Arseniy Tarkovskiys poetry taking in view the transformation of the word in the eonotopos of his poetical world.

Nikolay Berdjaev: the Aesthetics of Tradition and Pathos of Revolution

In article is presented the point of view on N.A. Berdjaeva's philosophy, allowing to understand it as consequence of difficult interaction of two opposite factors. On the one hand, its origin and education; on the other hand, its involvements into elements of historical shocks. The author underlines that «reconciliation» of these moments, according to the doctrine of the Russian thinker, probably, thanks to the creative beginning in the person.