Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Escapism as a subject of philosophical reflection

Introduction. Technological transformations and the expanding processes of digitalisation, which have encompassed the space of an individual and social life, have given a new meaning to escapism as a form of existence and behavioural strategy. Virtual practices have become the most important component of life and activity of an individual and have created conditions that have strengthened escapist tendencies and moods. Theoretical analysis.


В  статье  рассматриваются  особенности  современного  го-
родского  социокультурного  пространства.  Ставится  вопрос  о 
трансформации  ценностей  культурного  наследия  в  условиях 
преобладания  массовой  культуры  и  в  культурных  практиках 
игрофикации. На примерах из области городской скульптуры, 
трансляций оперных спектаклей на городских площадях, стра-
тегий  музеев  в  области  сувенирной  продукции  показано,  что 
в процессе получения коммерческой прибыли первоначальные 

Parameters of Destraction in Youth’s Socialization: Aspects of Methodology

In the article the methodological resource of the activity-related approach to define parameters of destructive pattern in the process of socialization of youth’s is investigated. The author demonstrates that use of this methodological resource focuses on process of search of
destructive behavior factors in areas of social livelihood and person’s conscious. Based on the performed study, the author specifies the level of the interaction of the destructive behavior parameters in information and communication fields as well as the cognitive structures.