Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В  статье  анализируется  кризис  идеологических  принципов 
социального  развития  в  контексте  современного  глобализи-
рующегося мира. Предпринимается попытка выявить причины 
очевидного  недовольства  социальным  развитием  со  стороны 
определенных  философских  течений.  Обосновывается  идея  о 
том, что это недовольство является неизбежным последстви-
ем  глобализации  и  связано  с  некоторыми  социокультурными 
особенностями модерна. Последний рассматривается как вну-

Global Terrorism Ideology under the Sign of Tradition/Modern/Postmodern

This article presents an analytical review of the existing in academic and political areas interpretations of the phenomenon of «global terrorism». Exposed intellectual and ideological positions are structured according to acknowledged periodization of the European Universal history conception, i.e. under the sign of tradition, modern and postmodern. Each of these directions produces one’s conceptual vision of the phenomenon of terrorism, names its reasons and gives recommendations to solute the problem.

The Language and its Metamorphoses in Postmodernity

The Postmodern Era has been widely researched in Russia and abroad. Nevertheless, it is still debatable for both Russian and Western scholars. The problem of language and its metamorphoses has become one of the key issues in this respect. We focus on studying characteristics of the postmodern period, not taking into account its value system. Thus, based on the characteristics of postmodernity we might form an idea of the language itself in the above-mentioned period, since every concept is inevitably manifested in the language.