Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

жизненное пространство


Статья посвящена анализу проблемы личностной идентификации 
в области интерсубъективных связей и отношений. Утверждает-
ся, что социальный риск личностной идентификации представ-
ляет собой возможность несоответствия социальных требований 
личностным  интенциям.  Выделяются  онто-гносеологический, 
аксиологический и этико-праксеологический аспекты проблемы 
социального риска личностной идентификации.

Phenomenon of Alienation as Attribute of Globalization: Cultural Aspect

In clause the socially-philosophical analysis of modern integration processes in which basis the idea of total association of people by means of new information technologies lays is spent. Computer networks, the Internet, cellular communication, acting, on the one hand, powerful means of the communications, promote virtualization of social life, substitution of real dialogue, loss of true social communications.

Risk and Life-space of Person

Article is devoted to analysis of risk, life-space of the person and researching of correlation among the concept of risk and the concept of life-space of the person. Author argues that the person is a valuable subject, manifesting itself in a space-time continuum. Person is initially free and open and designs itself in creative act. Risk offers as potentially failed event. Consequently, risk becomes basic characteristic of the person. That shows person’s openness and ability to self-designing.

Social Memory in the Life Space of Socium

The article discusses modern problems of inheritance and perception of the past from the standpoint of the categorical apparatus of social philosophy. The conceptual bases of the analysis are connected with the comprehension of the heuristic possibilities of the concepts “social space”, “living space”. When analyzing the ontology of social space, three types of spatial relationships should be considered: institutional, spatial-stratification and civilizational.