Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

диагностика организационной культуры

Organizational Culture of Educational Establishment in a Context of Representations about Innovation and Development Strategy

In article the data of empirical research of organizational culture of college are cited. An opportunities of transformation of organizational culture of college in a context of modernization of educational system are analyzed. The problems of diagnostics of organizational culture of college are discussed. The assumption of dependence of subjective interpretation of organizational culture’s current condition and organizational development strategy and representations of innovation strategy of the organization is proved.

Diagnostics of Branch Types of Organizational Culture

The article presents the author’s method of diagnostics of branch types of organizational culture, developed on the basis of the branch model of organizational culture by T. Deal and A. Kennedy. The authors of the model identified four branch types of organizational culture – trading, speculative, investment, and administrative. The criteria for distinguishing between them were the speed of feedback and the degree of risk.