Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

структура личности


В  статье  рассматривается  взаимосвязь  структуры  психоло-
гического  времени  со  структурой  личности,  описываются 
особенности временно?й перспективы успешных сотрудников 
организации в сравнении с менее успешными. Анализируется 
сложившееся в науке ХХ в. представление об относительно-
сти  времени  и  обосновывается  возможность  дифференци-
рованного  изучения  психологического  времени  различных 
структурных  элементов  личности.  Автор  подчеркивает  не-

Social Psychology of Management of Innovative Activity

Psychological researches of innovative activity are submitted in given article. The basis of the given research is 2020 regulations about the necessity of a choice of an innovative way of development stated in the Concept. Problem which assumes scientific study of concept of an innovation as the multivariate size determined in space of many variables and including – psychological accept is formulated in the article. The necessity of development of the psychological theory of individual innovative activity that will allow solving problems of

On the Content of Intellectual and Moral Potential of the Law Student

Development of education, including legal, is now one of the priority directions of development of the country which is fixed in strategic documents of the Russian Federation. High requirements to the future law expert suggest the formation of special competencies which allow to master new educational technologies easily and quickly, to be interested in the professional growth and improvement, and to be open to innovations in the educational process.

Structure of Psychological Time and Psychological Age of Person

The article is focused on the relationship between the structure of psychological time and the structure of an individual. The idea of the relativity of time, typical for the science in the twentieth century, is analyzed and a differentiated study of psychological time and mental age of the various structural elements of personality is justified . The author emphasizes the need for a systematic approach in both theoretical and empirical studies of psychological time of the individual.