Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Статья посвящена философскому анализу природы и структуры 
поля морали, а также механизма влияния конфликта на форми-
рование  этических  норм.  Рассмотрены  философско-этические 
позиции представителей древнекитайской философской мысли, 
Античности,  И.  Канта,  Л.  Фуллера,  А.  Бадью.  В  рамках  статьи 
предлагается классификация основных типов морали по ее гене-
зису – априорного, опирающегося на идею навязывания обще-
ству моральных норм извне, и апостериорного, принимающего 


В статье представлено соотношение истины и интеллектуаль-
ной свободы. В центре анализа находятся специфика свободы 
в контексте эволюции рациональных структур познания, взаи-
мосвязь нормативной коммуникации и свободы, роль разума в 
развитии форм свободы познания. Познание рассматривается 
в контексте решения проблем человеческого бытия в мире, при 
этом раскрывается значение категорий свободы и истины для 
понимания природы субъекта знания; в частности, исследуются 

Form, Intellect and Teleology in Aristotelian Doctrine of Truth

The article examines the classical Aristotelian concept of truth as the correspondence of knowledge knowable subject. Under this concept, the complex structure of the truth as consisting of logical, causal and metaphysical aspects is demonstrated. The concept of truth is revealed through analysis of the relationship of these aspects within a holistic picture of philosophy of Aristotle. The connection of truth with the categories of logic, the notion of essence as unity of matter and form, with the teachings of Aristotle about the mind and God’s mind is emphasized.

To a Problem of a Parity of True and Creativity in a Context of Freedom

In  this  article  is  investigated  the  problem  of  a  parity  of  true  and  creativity.  It  is  shown,  that  interpretation  of  true  depends  on  character  of  understanding  and  realization  of  a  principle  of  freedom  which  mastering  is  a  necessary  condition  of  development  of  creative  potential  at  the  person. 

Problem of the Reality of Scientific Knowledge Within of Discussion Realism/Antirealism: Kinds of Scientific Realism

In this article the problem of a reality of scientific knowledge, its validity and objectivity within of discussion realism/antirealism is described. In particular principal points of scientific realism are allocated and analyzed.

The Scientific Rationality and the Concept of Cognitive Relativism

Actual problems of modern philosophy and methodology of scientific cognition are examined ? the problem of cognitive relativism. Research of this problem supposes the specification of theoretical basis of the phenomenon of relativism in area of scientific knowledge.

She-Truth: The Experience of Female Gnoseologization

The article is an attempt to reconceive gnoseological symbol «She- Truth». She-Truth does not tempt philosophical mind, does not deprive it of Its creativity. She-Truth emancipates philosophical mind, gives it creative impetus and protects philosophers personality.

Subject Fact in Philosophy B. Russell and L. Wittgenstein

The article characterizes the concept of «fact» in the philosophy B. Russell and L. Wittgenstein. Analyzed the position these scientists. Identifies similarities and differences in understanding the issues the problems of fact in the philosophy of neo-positivism and the so-called first positivism. The fact becomes is not the original reality, but a conceivable limits of the logical analysis of statements. 

Problem of the Language Nature Historical Interpretativeness: Narrative and Mythological Ways of Historisation

Article contains a problematic view at an opportunity to establish
historical field exceptionally in a context of language interpretativeness.
Because revealing of necessary aspects of the reality seen from
prospect of history becomes possible only under condition of realization
of essentially new description of a way of reflection about the world.
That, as a matter of fact, means detection of the certain historical period
limited to language toolkit.

Value Relation and Cognition

The article is devoted to the consideration of the ontological meaning of the concept of «value relation» in the process of cognition. The scientific novelty of the research consists in substantiating the methodology of a holistic consideration of the problem of the role and place of the value relation in the system of bases of scientific cognition. This methodology assumes the consideration of social, historical and epistemological factors and allows us to consider the development of science in connection with the values of the dominant scientific paradigm.
