Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Статья  посвящена  исследованию  истории  понятия  «сеть»  в 
социально-философском  дискурсе.  Принимая  во  внимание 
научный  интерес  разных  исследователей  к  сетевым  теориям, 
необходимо  проследить  динамику  развития  основного  поня-
тия  данной  теории.  Исследуются  сетевые  основания  учений 
Э.  Дюркгейма  и  Г.  Зиммеля,  теория  ризомы  Ж.  Делеза  и 
Ф. Гваттари, проводится сравнительный анализ двух современ-
ных сетевых подходов – акторно-сетевой теории и концепции 

Social Axiological Rhizome: the Zone of Risk Escalation

This article analyzes the axiological situation of the modern society. The author believes that the axiological foundation of the modern society has lost features of the system, but continues to be a holistic formation, homogeneous in nature, which is evolving non-linearly in different directions without having a single centre and multiple in nature. The most appropriate name for such formation is taken from postmodern philosophy, i.e rhizome. Besides, the paper also postulates that axiological rhizome determines riskogenics of the modern society.

Singular and Plural: Postmetaphysical Aspect

The article deals with the reception of traditional notions in contemporary philosophy. The transformation of singular and plural in philosophy of G. Deleuze, J. Derrida, J.-L. Nancy, A. Badiou is analyzed. The author draws a conclusion that the relation between singular and plural is problemizing in postmetaphysical philosophy and realization of the impossibility of their opposition takes place.