Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

здоровый образ жизни

Healthy Life-style and Social Risks

The paper investigates social risks in the context of healthy life-style. The concept of risks for health is introduced as an independent and significant notion. We separate and analyze ecological, economical, industrial, technological, cultural risks for health, which are conditioned by the peculiarities of modern social development. It is shown that social risks may be personal as well, as communal, in which case we speak about participation of an individual in the venturesome communal social practices. Among the personal risks we mark consumer and behavioral ones.

Training the Students of a Pedagogical Institute for Implementation of the «Basics of a Healthy Life-Style» Program in a General School

The university student training system is necessary for the @Basics of a healthy life-style@ program implementation, it includes goals, organizational, methodological and diagnostic components. The level of students’ readiness to perform the educational program is based on several criteria, which characterize knowledge, abilities and skills acquired by them in the course of studying at the university.

Healthy lifestyle: Philosophical dimension

Introduction. The article deals with the issue of “healthy lifestyle” as a multidimensional phenomenon that requires complexity in the research process, and also substantiates the need to overcome the limitations of private scientifi c methodology. Philosophical understanding of the problem of health and the phenomenon of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in the modern context of the development of knowledge. Theoretical analysis.