Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Socium and its Interpretation Practices

The article investigates the place and role of interpretation when defining a subjects being in a socium. In fact, the article generates the general notion about the specific character of interpretation in the process of constituting the purpose of social institutions.

Problem of the Language Nature Historical Interpretativeness: Narrative and Mythological Ways of Historisation

Article contains a problematic view at an opportunity to establish
historical field exceptionally in a context of language interpretativeness.
Because revealing of necessary aspects of the reality seen from
prospect of history becomes possible only under condition of realization
of essentially new description of a way of reflection about the world.
That, as a matter of fact, means detection of the certain historical period
limited to language toolkit.

The Problem of Intellects in Medieval Aristotelianism

The article deals with the problem of the role and significance of the “ladder of intellects” in Medieval Aristotelianism. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the decisive influence of the problem of intellects on the difference in the interpretation of the heritage of Aristotle in the Middle Ages, when Aristotle was understood as a theologian and the teacher of primary causes, and in the Modern era, when Aristotle was regarded as an empiricist, metaphysician and the founder of several sciences.

Communicative Practices in the Process of Socialization

Language appears as a special reality within which a man finds himself. In the nature of language human understanding of the world and socialization takes place, and the willingness to cooperate on various levels (interpersonal and intercultural) is forming. For a given area we may consider the problem of understanding from two standpoints: as the way of being, that is, the ontology of understanding, and in relation of the ontology of understanding with the epistemology of interpretation.

Tolerance in the Intercultural Interaction: Epistemological Procedure of Reading

The content of the epistemological procedure of reading in the intercultural interaction is developed in the given paper, and cognitive mechanism of tolerance is revealed.

The relational aspect of non-emotionality

Introduction. The article presents the relational aspect of non-emotionality as a type of cognition and scientific development of reality in particular. The focus is on non-emotional states that influence scientific activity and characterize the modern type of scientific rationality, as well as the relational concept of time. The aim of the research in this regard is to study the ontological sources of the phenomenon of non-emotionality, the conditions and relationships that lead to creative solutions. Theoretical analysis.