Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Characteristics of the reflexive component of students’ self-expression culture

Modern professional activity involves the active use of reflection by a person in order to find «points of growth» for the successful construction of his/her own career. Accordingly, the task of facilitating the development of students’ reflexive skills during the period of professional training by teachers is of particular importance. The article presents the authors' view on the solution of the problem, consisting in considering these skills as part of the reflective component of the students’ self-expression culture.

Pedagogical Activity on the Organization of Youth Self-Governance at a Faculty

The article considers the concept of «youth» and the specificity of the development of this age group within society and university. The author points out that the students of a faculty are a specific youth group, which needs to focus on their own development, as well as in need of support and acceptance by the group of peers and self-fulfillment in it. On this basis, one of the directions of pedagogical activity at a faculty is the creation of the students’ self-government, the center of which should become a student council as a strong organizational core.

Socio-pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior among students

Introduction. In modern pedagogical science, there is a contradiction, which lies in the fact that, on the one hand, researchers pay a lot of attention to the problem of the growth of addictive behavior of young people, and, on the other hand, practice shows a steady increase in all types of addictions. Theoretical analysis.
