Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Philosophy and philosophers in times of global changes Book review: Alexander N. Chumakov. The way to philosophy. Works of diff erent years. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2021. 608 p.

The article is devoted to the book of a famous philosopher, science organizer and globalistics theoretician Alexander N. Chumakov. In Chumakov’s eyes the globalization is the objective historical process, characterized by the universalization of the connections and relations, the constitution of the unifi ed structure of diff erent spheres of social life on the world scale. Being simultaneously a part of the formation of the world society, globalization is followed by the whole bunch of contradictions on the global, regional and local levels.

State Final Certification in the Context of Realization of Federal State Educational Standard

State Final Certification acquires particular importance in the context of modernization of higher professional education and the introduction of federal state education standards. The article suggests some methods and forms of examination of the level of professional and general cultural competences among the graduates of higher education institutions at the final stage of education.

Will the zombie box eat your brains for breakfast?

Introduction. The review is devoted to the publication of the book “Cyberhumanism. How communication technologies transform our society” by Nizhny Novgorod researcher A. N. Fortunatov – the Doctor of Philosophy, specialist in the field of communication studies, media philosophy and the history of television. Theoretical analysis. In the book by A. N. Fortunatov, methodological principles of communicative theory, media philosophy and humanism as a philosophical trend were combined.