Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


In Defence of the Assailants: The Origins and the Essence of Totalitarianisms Analysis in Tradition of Russian ReliIn Defence of the Assailants: The Origins and the Essence of Totalitarianisms Analysis in Tradition of Rusgious Philosophy of the Silver Age

This article examines the basic reference and access of Russian religious philosophy to importance of research into intrapersonal processes of the person spiritual degradation and the reason of the opportunity of totalitarianisms becoming. But more and more often weve got to hear about degradation of the society in modern interpretation of the problem. We understand this tendency as incorrect because such wide and superficial consideration of the problem is fraught with mistakes in prognoses and ascertainment of the totalitarianism.