Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Changing aesthetic ideals under the influence of the phenomenon of the cult of youth in the 1920s

Introduction. The principle of aesthetic transformation affects not only the functioning of fashion, but also a range of problems related to the worldview and world perception of a person, which are relevant for any time. Aesthetic problems have a deeper foundation than the change of images of vestimentary fashion, and lie in the sphere of social and cultural life of society. Theoretical analysis.

Fashion and Language as Institutional Components of Daily Life

The research into the fashion formation stages in the article has allowed to trace the formation processes of behavioral and property preferences, as well as the development of the social rank hierarchy system. The study of the language practices significance has defined the importance of their role in the regulation and preservation of daily being order.