Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Morris Halbwachs: Cultural Contexts of Memory

М. Halbwachs founded new school – social studies of memory. М. Halbwachs's works related to collective memory problems turned out to be highly actual and productive for humanitis of late XX and early XXI centuries. His works include the issue of correlation of collective and individual memory and history, memory and tradition, the problem of social and cultural memory functions.

The Dialectics of Global and Local: the Nation State and the Collective Memory within Globalization

The article discusses the place of nation state phenomenon in an atmosphere of globalization. The object of analysis is the dialectics of global and local; the subject is historical politics regarded as a nation state’s preservation method. 

A Ritual Character of Dance in the Myth as a Primary form of Being Social Memory

The article considers the phenomenon of social memory in its socio-historical formation. Social-philosophical analysis of dance as a social phenomenon of memory reveals a genetic relationship of sociality and ritual dance as an important mnemonic form of the myth.

Socio-epistemic arenas of historical cognition

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the production of historical knowledge in the digital age. The author believes that historical science, existing in the paradigm of «Digital Humanities», has acquired a new object of cognition – collective memory, abandoning the study of the past as a non-existent reality in favor of the study of ideas about it. In the multi-channel communication process, the formation of socio-epistemic arenas brings historical knowledge and historical memory together. Theoretical analysis.