Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

социальные сети


Статья посвящена современным коммуникационным условиям распространения неформального знания. По мнению автора, включение гражданской экспертизы в практики трансдисци- плинарной науки приводит к тому, что судьба науки попада- ет в зависимость от качества компетентности гражданских экспертов, например, блогеров. Последняя формируется на основе общегражданской дискуссии, разворачивающейся в социальных сетях. Ядром компетентности гражданских экс- пертов являются навыки ориентирования в коммуникаци- онных потоках и использования лингвистических средств для самопрезентации.

Phenomenon of Alienation as Attribute of Globalization: Cultural Aspect

In clause the socially-philosophical analysis of modern integration processes in which basis the idea of total association of people by means of new information technologies lays is spent. Computer networks, the Internet, cellular communication, acting, on the one hand, powerful means of the communications, promote virtualization of social life, substitution of real dialogue, loss of true social communications.

New Digital Solidarity and “Rehabilitation” of a Crowd

The article discusses the main studies of the mass/crowd social action in the digital space. The author compares classical social and philosophical mass analysis of society (XX century) and innovations by theorists of a digital society (XXI century). The author’s aim is to substantiate the new concept of mass in the digital society. The author analyzes the socio-philosophical concepts of the masses in the Internet space. The practice of mass social networking is widespread on the Internet. Their distinctive feature is a rational basis.

The Diversity of the Digital Environment in a Risk Society

In the article presented, it is established that the basis for a digital society is the digital environment. The study of technologies outside the context of anthropological and social experience is insufficient, therefore, for the consideration of a digital society, the hybridization of Software studies and digital humanities is a productive one. It is established that the digital society is not only the result of technological progress, but also the result of the changing experience of mankind.

On the Role of Social Networks in the Adaptation of Foreign Students to a New Educational Environment

The article is timely because of the challenges that modern Russian system of higher education faces in the field of enrollment and training international students. The aim of the article is to study the possibilities for creating friendly educational environment for international students in a Russian university by the active use of social nets.

Postprivacy in the digital age

Introduction. The article deals with the actual problem of changing attitudes towards privacy in connection with the development of modern information and communication technologies. The purpose of the study is to philosophically analyze the phenomenon of post-privacy, identify the causes and consequences of its occurrence using logical, hermeneutic and comparative methods. The novelty of the work lies in the conceptualization of the socio-philosophical phenomenon of post-privacy. Theoretical analysis.