The goal of the study was to identify the psychological aspects of self-relation as component of subjective well-being of personality of students. Theme is identification the specifics of people’s self-relations formed in various national-psychological, socio-political and economic conditions; the subject is self-relation as a determinant of subjective well-being of ethnic Russians and Kazakhs. For the diagnosis of subjective well-being method «The scale of subjective well-being» adapted by M. V. Sokolova was applied.
This publication considers I. Kant’s views on self-consciousness, logical «self», and virtual «self», which have rendered their impact on contemporary comprehension of «self» identity in social psychology.
This publication considers the explanation of the consciousness and «self» genesis offered by G. H. Mead through a gradual development during childhood of a capability to assume a part of the other and to visualize own behaviour from the viewpoint of the others.